Robert LaBarge Books

Glory Trail 

This is a collection of 45 poems and short stories which show faith, hope and love from a Christian perspective. They reflect a view that the spiritual world is just as real as the physical and that life as a believer can be both challenging and rewarding. In the end there is One who understands, knows and loves us and wants us to partake of a full life by following Him. 

Glory Trail starts us off on a journey "past forests, farms and homes" and ends with a tribute to a nephew of mine who lost his life while on a winter climb to the top of Mt. Fugi. My hope is that you will not only be inspired but challenged as well so that when your whirlwind comes, and come it surely will, your feet may be found standing on firm ground. ~ Glory Trailer is available at Amazon.

Happy Hearts

This is a collection of 50 poems and humorous short stories, many which are about family and life in Western Michigan, thus the apt title - Happy Hearts. There are fictional tales of giants and the end of the world and real life accounts about ice mountains in August. It also includes my mini novel - A China Man In America, And His Panther . . . This is my second book. The first - Glory Trail - is a collection of poems and stories which have a spiritual focus.

Happy Hearts is available at Amazon and in Kindle.

Diary Of A Charismatic

This is a book of essays on the Spirit-filled life by a former Catholic who came to faith during the Charismatic Renewal in the early 70's. Subjects covered include faith, grace, trust, spiritual gifts (tongues, prophecy, descernment, healing), hell, evolution and many more that will both educate and inspire.

Diary Of A Charismatic is available at Amazon and in Kindle.